Project Review Board (PRB)

The purpose of the PRB is to ensure that IT the projects comply with IT standards and policies, are initiated with proper IT staff assigned, and are driving the strategic enterprise goals.

Submit a Project:

To initiate a project, the project request form needs to be completed and submitted to the PRB contact. After submission, you will receive confirmation and be notified by the PRB of the date and time of your review. 

Any project that meets any of these criteria need to be submitted through the PRB process. 


Criteria for project review board chart

RI Statute 42-11-2.5: Info Tech Investment Fund Policy

Project Review Meetings:

The PRB meets on the first and third Thursdays of the month to review new or pending project requests.  It is expected that the primary business contact or sponsor along with the Agency IT Manager attend the scheduled PRB meeting to present the project.  The meetings are scheduled for 20 minute intervals to review, but not troubleshoot the project.

On the day that the project is presented to the PRB a recommendation will be made of either one of the following:

  • 'Initiate' - Proceed with next steps of the project.
  • 'Pending' - Further information may be need before proceeding with the project
  • 'Rejected' – The project can’t continue any further or it needs to be completely revised and then resubmitted